INSURANCE ACT – The Rules of Insurance Contracts in Japan 2011
当研究所ではThe Insurance School of Japan (I.S.J.)用教材として、日本の損害保険各種目を概説した英文テキスト・シリーズを作成してきておりますが、今般新たに “INSURANCE ACT – The Rules of Insurance Contracts in Japan 2011”を発行いたしました。
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Enactment of the Insurance Act
2. Three Categories of Insurance
3. Nature of Provisions
4. Important Revisions
Chapter 2 Main Provisions of the Insurance Act
1. Application
2. Non-Life Insurance
3. Injury and Sickness Fixed Amount Insurance
4. Miscellaneous Provisions
APPENDIX 1 The Insurance Act (The Summary of Each Article)
APPENDIX 2 The Marine Insurance Provisions in the Commercial Code (The Summary of Each Article)
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